Sunday, March 31, 2013

  • a babysitter training cd. mac and cheese, hide and seek, time for bed. done.
  • pocket diary for 2010. no entries.
  • remote control for discarded docking station. don't get me started on the amount of money i have spent on substandard technology.
  • stuffed dog. ugliest toy ever made.
  • huge pink pom-pom keychain. for this we have rendered the earth nearly uninhabitable.
  • seven magazines. I should stop being shocked every time i find another stash.
  • four books. outdated eventually becomes uninteresting.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

  • a pair of sunglasses. surprisingly effective, but one of possibly eight pairs in this house.
  • small pink hippo. when did we become a household overrun with stuffed animals?
  • the small bag that holds a fold-up umbrella. I am quite sure the umbrella will never fit back inside.
  • a calculator. still in packaging. why does a calculator need packaging?
  • a glass coaster/window ornament. made by me.                

Friday, March 29, 2013

  • one slinky with ceramic face. toy?  sculpture? creepy? yes.
  • a whiteboard eraser. you guessed it, no whiteboard.
  • a plastic bracelet. utterly charmless jewelry ever made.
  • a plastic egg. first drop of the tidal wave.
  • one half-full box nag champa incense. truly, words fail me.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

  • six single socks. so sad.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

  • a pair of shoes. shabby shoes. dislike.
  • a pair of socks. how can socks be uncomfortable?
  • two washcloths. our washcloth inventory is excessive.
  • a book, much beloved. borrowable.

Friday, March 22, 2013

  • grammar and writing practice book. what? we're not using that?
  • a stack of watercolors. process, not product.
  • a small pink stuffed elephant. so much cuter than it sounds.
  • a rubber duck. with a painted tartan hat. oddly creepy.
  • a hairbrush. from shortage to overabundance.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

  • a small purse. sadly empty of cash.
  • a painted wooden box. also empty of treasure.
  • one shower cap. standard hotel issue.
  • a lavendar-filled pillow. more relaxing when not clutteringup an unopened drawer.
  • one scarf. pretty, but.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

  • a cloth. for polishing? so soft....
  • one paper kite. well-engineered.
  • one twisted length of copper wire. purpose unknown.
  • a plastic die. downscale version of the magic eight-ball. 'ask again'
  • set of three plastic measuring spoons. you can estimate the quarter teaspoon.
  • a piece of white ribbon. too short to be useful.
  • one change purse. if we had a dollar for every money container we own...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

  • a pair of black pants. bought a replacement, forgot to ditch the originals. 
  • plastic parachute guy. one-time fun.
  • a rubber ball. filled with glitter and a flashing light. so cool i almost kept it.
  • two hand towels. only somewhat handy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

  • three-hole punch. definitely worth paying for quality on this item.
  • cell phone case. owned by many, used by none.
  • plastic eraser case. move over, banana slicer, a less useful object has been found.
  • an extra corkscrew. not a bad extra to have, actually.
  • mardi gras beads. lots of them. the possible culprit of the global warming debacle.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

  • a pair of toy boxing gloves. where do i begin?
  • one splint. let's be optimistic.
  • last year's ski passes. i wish i were skiing.
  • one fish magnet. so large that it obscures that which is posted.
  • a small plastic cup. remarkably indestructable.
  • another magazine. i swear they breed.
  • two picture frames. i blame ikea.
  • five pieces children's art. there is more where that came from.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

  • one magazine. stowaway on the picture book shelf.
  • five dvds. will anyone notice if i ditch them all?

Friday, March 15, 2013

  • one green pinwheel. top? plastic junk either way.
  • one red flashlight. it does not work. i'm accepting that.
  • one film camera. nice in its day.
  • two allen wrenches. ubiquitous before ikea?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

  • a bag of ikea hardware. slightly worrisome when there are leftover screws.
  • an origami crane. clearly replaceable.
  • a strip of black fabric. possibly a witch costume remnant.
  • a pair of black socks. the only uncomfortable black socks from a curated collection. also the only ones not stolen by my progeny.
  • a large bunch of dried oregano. oregano is sadly underrepresented in our diet.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

one cosmetics case with a broken zipper. filled with:
three pipe cleaners.
two cloth flowers.
a broken ring.
two rubber bands.
a pencil.
two candy wrappers.
a pencil sharpener.
a peer counseling guide. all snuck into the garbage while my daughter wasn't looking.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

  • one piece kid art. sweet, but not memorable.
  • two magnets. useful, but not pretty.
  • two. more. rocks. i am not making this up.

Monday, March 11, 2013

  • spray nozzle. ancient work-related gear that i would like to forget about.
  • a mop/broom hook bracket. maybe if i keep it for another five years i will install it. ha.
  • an orange plastic bracelet. if it ends up in the dryer it is mine.
  • a 'jewel'. ditto.
  • a badge featuring a chipmunk. beaver? hedgehog? i left my glasses in the other room.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

  • nine rocks. i could devote an entire blog to the rocks.
  • a flamboyant green purse. which seemed possible in p.r. but isn't in portland.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

  • a pile of red felt. yeah, that project is going nowhere.
  • one mac laptop. old faithful. then not.
  • two polar bear place mats. reality trumps sentimentality.
  • one magnet. save the date for a date long past.